RAISING seaweed is one kind of business that can be easily engaged with and have good prospects. Potential land for development is also stretched in many coastal areas of Indonesia.
Market demand for these products is quite large, not only to be consumed and manufactured food products, but also as raw material for medicines and cosmetics products.
Market demand for these products is quite large, not only to be consumed and manufactured food products, but also as raw material for medicines and cosmetics products.
Seeing the potential of a truly great, Fadel Muhammad since he was appointed as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ambition is to make Indonesia as the largest seaweed producer in the world with a production capacity reached 10 million tons per year.
He suggested a production target of 10 million tons per year should begin to occur in 2015.
Not only on the production side, according to Fadel, within the next two years, a lot of factories processing seaweed.
KKP is preparing at least about 60 clusters of seaweed. While the main focus for this year as many as 12 clusters scattered in Bagka Billiton, Sumenep East Java, Gorontalo, South Sulawesi Pangkep, Dompu West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Kabupeten Serang Banten, Riau Islands, North Minahasa, Parigi Moutang, Central Sulawesi, Polewalimandar , West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and Bau Bau.
In addition, KKP will also limit the export of seaweed in the form of spindles (dried seaweed) in 2012 to encourage the growth of domestic processing industry. Until now in Indonesia, there are 23 companies already seaweed, either in the form of primary products and processed products
According to Director General of Aquaculture, Made L Nurdjana, in order to realize the production target of seaweed, the KKP will take two steps. First, extending or expanding or adding business units of cultivation. Second, the intensification or increase in the number of production through increasing the number of each business unit to develop the cultivation of seaweed. Potential land and waters in the gulf coast of Indonesia still sangat luas. Currently the land for the sea grass in the data area of 4.5 million hectares.
Until 2008, 15 per cent of seaweed are exported in processed form by indonesia, while the rest is exported as logs.
KKP prepared three policy options concerning the development of seaweed processing. First, the exporter seaweed spindles must be registered and must have a processing plant in the country. Second, the government limits the export of logs and seaweed. Third, authorizes the cooperative to export seaweed.
In 2009 production reached 2.574 million tons of seaweed, a sharp increase compared to 2005 which only 910,636 tons.
Currently, the contribution of seaweed to the total production of marine and fishery by 8.9 percent. CTF contribution seaweed target reached 27 percent in 2015.
To achieve these targets CTF also put through his application of innovation in the development of seaweed cultivation. Currently being pursued development of innovation development of seaweed in Indonesia with module cultivation model that is accelerating the harvest with a period of about 30 days to 45 days.
The big note is actually a need for the government or the value-added utilization of this seaweed production, downstream from this product cannot wake up properly.
Although the seaweed business prospects are promising, but industrial development is still hampered by a distrust of banks, so that investors are difficult to obtain capital.
Deputy Minister of Industry, Alex SW Retraubun, on one occasion said, to develop grass derivatives industry sea fully integrated, at least up to Rp. 694 billion investment needed production capability of approximately 30,000 tons per year and 111,000 new workers.
According to him, seaweed processing industry is one of the strategic sectors that have not been optimally explored as palm oil processing, cocoa, and tobacco. If developed in a serious, Alex assess the seaweed processing industry can compete in line with other commodities.
Source: http://www.produksirumputlaut.blogspot.com/
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