23 May 2011

Food and the drink unique, typical Indonesia

Food and the drink were a typical characteristic of an area, apart from his customs and traditions. Each ethnic group and the certain area had the typical characteristics of food and his drink personally.

Along with this was food and the unique traditional drink typical Indonesian areas:


      Nasi Kucing (Cat Rice)

Food typical Central Java this became the other Yogyakarta face. Nasi Kucing is usually sold in the stall angkringan that was met all along the Yogyakarta main road. That made the characteristics typical of nasi kucing was his presentation in the package by the teak leaves, despite currently often was used by wrapping paper rice.

Sate Lalat (Fly Satay)

Food typical the Pamekasan area, Madura, this not was made from the fly. Sate lalat was made from goat meat and chicken is proper for satay generally. Mentioned sate lalat was because of his meat cut off very small so as his measurement resembled the fly.


Es Goyobod (Goyobod Ice)

If you visited to the Garut city, don't forget to taste his typical drink that was nameGoyobod ice. The typical characteristics of ice goyobod was the main point or the sugar palm pith that was used as batter.

Bir Pletok (Pletok Beer)

Dont surprised if this typical Betawi drink became the unique drink and was enjoyed. Generally beer was made from materials in the fragmentation so as produced alcohol. All of his materials were made from spices like lemon grass, the pandanus leaves and ginger.

Kopi Arang (Charcoal Coffee)

A new way to drink coffee with hot charcoal into it. Like most coffee concoction from this area, coffee powder mixed with four tablespoons of sugar, but as its main ingredient is added charcoal stove that burns from the fire. Charcoal helps neutralize stomach acid and has long been a remedy for stomach problems and gas.Coffee charcoal gain more popularity because of its uniqueness

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